Música e letra por ...

AmSing alleEmluia to the AmLord. Em
AmSing alleEmluia to the AmLord. Em
AmSing alleEmluia, FSing alleCluia.
AmSing alleEmluia to the AmLord. Em

AmHe puts a Emnew song in myAm heart.Em
AmHe puts a Emnew song in myAm heart.Em
AmSing alleEmluia, FSing alleCluia.
AmHe puts a Emnew song in myAm heart.Em

AmHe is the EmKing and Lord ofAm all.Em
AmHe is the EmKing and Lord ofAm all.Em
AmSing alleEmluia, FSing alleCluia.
AmHe is the EmKing and Lord ofAm all.Em

AmHe shall Emreigh forever Ammore.Em
AmHe shall Emreigh forever Ammore.Em
AmSing alleEmluia, FSing alleCluia.
AmHe shall Em forever Ammore.Em


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